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Loss Prevention and Investigation Services

Palisades Logistics - Loss PreventionDanbee Investigations

In today’s economy, few companies can afford internal theft. Collusion, inventory loss, trucker theft, cybercrime and fraud have risen to unprecedented levels, and the difference between profit and loss is oftentimes directly related to a company’s ability to prevent white and blue collar crime.

Danbee Investigation’s reputation for delivering bottom-line results is well documented. Danbee’s exploits have been featured in publications such as USA Today, Forbes, CFO, The Journal of Commerce, and Business Month. With more than 30 years of working with companies in the logistics industry, Danbee has an established track record for reducing internal theft and converting previously lost dollars into profits.

Danbee provides undercover investigations, vulnerability assessments, C-TPAT certification support, as well as auditing and surveillance services. Danbee also offers a confidential Hotline program that encourages workers to report illegal and unethical activity.

As one CEO stated, “There’s no question that Danbee’s services have cut our losses and improved our net profit. Not only that, but I credit Danbee Investigations with improving productivity and overall operating efficiency. It’s comfortable to know that my company is well protected.”

To learn how we can help with your loss prevention, Request a rate quote.

For more information contact us at 973.331.8220 or via email.

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